Macroeconomics II


Macroeconomics II

Here you can find useful information about the course. In each week, you’ll have access to the slides covered in the practical classes.

Contact information

E-mail: .

Office hours

By appointment.


Be aware that office hours are not private classes. This means that, prior to scheduling them, you should have studied the topics about which you have doubts, using all the materials available.

Timetable of the practical classes (both on Thursdays)

EB1 & EB3: 14h30-16h at room 2E.02.

EB2 & EB4: 13h-14h30 at room 2E.04.


Please be punctual. Access to classes will not be allowed 10min after the scheduled starting time.

Course’s Materials


The slides only provide a brief summary of the topics we need to solve practical exercises. They do not cover all the contents of the theoretical classes which you should attend.

Week Calendar Topic Files
1 February 8 Revisions of the IS-LM model
2 February 22 Macro Data
3 February 29 Discounted cash flow evaluation
4 March 7 Financial crises and bank runs
5 March 14 Financial Markets and Expectations
6 March 21 Expectations, Consumption and Investment
7 April 11 Expectations, Output and Policy
8 April 18 The Facts of Growth
9 April 26 Saving, Capital Accumulation, and Output
10 May 2 Technological Progress and Growth
May 7 Midterm
11 May 9 Midterms correction
12 June 5 Q&A
June 11 Endterm and Final Exam